
In 2007, Silcon Plastic Ltd, taking advantage of its thirty-years’ experience in the plastic injection molding sector, decided to face a new challenge: Metal Injection Molding (MIM).

MIM technology gives the opportunity to produce cost-efficient metallic structural components which can have a very complex structure and little or medium dimension. As a matter of fact, these components do not require any additional processing by machine tool, minimizing scrap.

This is possible thanks to MIM’s worldwide huge growth which has occurred in the recent years: it was initially used in orthodontia, weaponry and fashion, but today this technology can be applied also to other sectors, such as biomedical, automotive and aerospace sector.

The experience gained over the last thirty years in the construction of plastic injection molds, together with the constant research on the processed metallic materials and with the selection and training of specialized powder metallurgy technicians, has contributed to the Company’s rapid growth in this sector.

This growth was also possible thanks to the flexibility that has always characterized Silcon Plastic Ltd: the Company follows the customer during all the project development of the components, ensuring a constant dialogue with him during all the production cycle as well. To do so, the Company is supported by its own technical department and mold workshop for the construction and the modification of the molds.

In order to offer high-quality MIM components, processed materials have been developed by using a mechanical, chemical and metallographic characterization and by building molds for traction, fatigue and impact specimens.

This ensures the high quality of the produced components thanks to a constant monitoring during the various stages of the production cycle and, above all, during the thermal treatment, but also allows to quickly test new materials and to individuate their characteristics.